Doctor Giuseppe Saitta was born in Catania (Italy) on 10th November 1988, he graduated in Medicine and Surgery with 110/110 cum laude. Then he obtained Urology specialization with a score of 70/70 cum laude at the Ateneo ‘Vita-Salute’ San Raffaele in Milan (Italy) – Director: Prof. F Montorsi. From 2014 to 2020 he worked at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan. Since January 2023 he is carrying out his clinical and operative activity mainly at the Istituto Clinico Città Studi of Milan - ICCS (Head Doctor Dr. M Seveso). In 2018 he lived for some months in Madrid, where he learned all the laser techniques for the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia. In 2019 at the Fundació Puigvert in Barcelona he studied the treatment of tumors of the upper excretory tract (UTUC). During the last years in Milan he has dedicated particularly to Endourology, learning surgical techniques for the minimally invasive treatment of renal and ureteral stones.